
Status: Reserved For Sheila

Date of Birth: July 29,2023

Date Available: September 23,2023

Gender: Female

Color: Chocolate & Tan

Coat Color DNA: Pending

Dad: Larry

Mom: Hershey's

Registry: AKC


Price listed is for AKC Pet Registration Only.




Meet Oliver! He is a very laid back, gentle and playful Lilac & Tan French Bulldog puppy. Of course, he also has lots of energy to run off before he likes fall asleep in someone's arms. This little guys is so much fun to be with and will brighten anyone's mood, any day of the week! If you are looking for a companion, or even looking for a great breeding prospect, this guy is looking fantastic so far and he is only 5 weeks old! He will be up to date on all vaccinations and will have had two exams by our trusted veterinarian. If you are interested in providing a home for Oliver or have any questions please feel free to give us a call or text at: (260) 438-6297.


What is included with Oliver's adoption?

 - Microchipped

 - Fully vaccinated 

 - Dewormed

 - Two physical exams by our vetrinarian

 - Small bag of puppy food to get started

 - Towel with mama's scent for comfort

 - Lots of tender love and care from our family



Adoption Fee:


Ready to purchase or place a deposit to reserve one of these adorable puppies for your own?


The "Buy Now" buttons below are links to a PayPal page that will allow you to enter your credit card information to place a $500 or $1000 deposit for this puppy. Or, if you would like to pay the purchase price in full click on the Payment In Full Option Below.


$500.00 Deposit


$1000.00 Deposit


$2800 Payment in Full

Includes All Taxes, Fees & Delivery With 150 Miles


Transportation Options

Depending on what part of the country you live, you may ask to have your puppy shipped to you in a pet carrier on one of the major commercial airlines. This was the norm for many years. However, as of mid 2018, this option is no longer available for French Bulldog puppies. French Bulldog puppies traveling on airlines must travel with someone in the cabin. Below, we have listed the options available for getting your puppy home.


  1.  You pick up the puppy at our facility (No Added Fees)
  2. We drive the puppy to meet you, up to 150 miles from Grabill Indiana (Typically about $1.00 per mile)
  3. The puppy could fly to you on an airline, accompanied by a "Nanny" - A Nanny can be someone from our facility or someone you would appoint to fly to Ft. Wayne IN and travel home with the puppy. (Please contact us to discuss pricing)
  4. Depending on what part of the country you live, we may be interested in driving the puppy to you. (Please contact us to discuss pricing)


We try to be flexible with each of these options,  and the added costs associated with each one. Please contact us to discuss what option is best for you and your family.